Jumping Brains are 3″ resin designer toys all handmade in Spain by artist Emilio Garcia….
Come Meet Your Cousin, the Kangaroo
Researches in Australia have mapped the genetic makeup of the Australian marsupials and discovered that much of the marsupial’s genetic code parallel the genome for humans.
Steamboat Willie is 80 Years Old Today!
Steamboat Willie came out on this day 80 years ago. It was the very first Disney cartoon to feature synchronized sound, and it changed the world of animation. Enjoy it now in all of its original, uncensored glory.
X-Men 4 = X-Men: First Class
Expect to see the likes of Colossus, Shadowcat, Iceman, Rogue, Siryn, Jubilee and others.
YBMW’s Geek of The Month: Steve Wozniak, Part II
The man is a God of geeks. Co-Founder of Apple, Segway enthusiast, legendary prankster. YBMW is proud to name The Wonderful Wizard of Woz as our very first Geek of The Month!
Writers named for Capt. America Movie
The story’s plot will take place in World War II and will tell the tale of how scrawny soldier Steve Rogers became the figurehead of the US Army.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
Who would have thought a classic such as “Rock Paper Scissors” can get an expansion pack upgrade… also, an end of credits bonus from the writers of “The Big Bang Theory” to George Lucas and Shatner.