Based on the series finale of Battlestar Galactica, this new “Daybreak” action figure two-pack combines both the modern Cylon Centurion with its predecessor.
DC Unlimited Introduces ‘True Blood’ Busts
These new “True Blood” busts feature the likeness of Sookie Stackhouse, Bill Compton and Eric Northman.
New Vampire “Daybreakers” Movie Poster Debuts
With a great twist and a new take on the whole vampire concept, “Daybreakers” is actually looking as if it’ll be the first vampire film that won’t suck.
Keanu Reaves’s ’47 Ronin’ Finds A Master
A legendary Japanese tale about 47 Ronins who sought revenge after the death of their master. Even on paper this is an epic in the making.
Because It Makes Perfect Sense: Wonder Woman Sculpted From Wonder Bread
This is one of those things where you think to yourself, “Damn, why didn’t I think of it first!”
Official ‘LOST’ Final Season 6 Poster One Sheet
ABC has released the first official “LOST” final season 6 poster. And like every “LOST” posters, it… pretty much looks the same.
Ten Things Not To Do In a Urinal
You never tug on Superman’s cape. You never spit into the wind. You never pull the mask of the old lone Ranger and you Don’t do anything this nutty in a public bathroom!
Child Neglect Has Never Been So Funny
No one has ever really captured the sheer idiocy/ cuteness of this trend than the family who put their toddler ON A KITCHEN TABLE so that they could dance to GS’s Stanky Leg.