Not too long ago CBS announced a pilot for a modern-day reimagining of Sherlock Holmes called “Elementary.” While on the surface it may appear merely as a resurgence of Sherlock’s popularity due to the recent success of the Robert Downey Jr. film and the BBC’s hit series “Sherlock,” producers of the BBC series believes it’s more than just that.

“Sherlock” executive producer Sue Vertue recently spoke to The Independent that her team was approached by CBS to create a licensed U.S. version of Sherlock. But the offer was turned down, and not soon after “Elementary” was announced. According to Vertue, the timing seems like more than just a coincidence.

“We understand that CBS are doing their own version of an updated Sherlock Holmes,” she said. “It’s interesting, as they approached us a while back about remaking our show. At the time, they made great assurances about their integrity, so we have to assume that their modernised Sherlock Holmes doesn’t resemble ours in any way, as that would be extremely worrying.”

In addition, Vertue adds that she will do all she can to protect the interest of her property, even if it means a potential lawsuit against CBS.

“We are very proud of our show, and like any proud parent will protect the interest and wellbeing of our offspring,” she said.

“Elementary,” which is currently in development will follow Holmes and Watson in modern-day New York City solving crime. Additional details about the show have not been released.

Source: Blastr

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