Dave Bautista is almost as familiar with the sci-fi genre at this point as he was with the wrestling. Since transitioning from a WWE career to box office stardom, Bautista has been a vital member of the MCU as Drax in the Guardians of The Galaxy franchise, as well as major roles in both Blade Runner 2049 and the upcoming theatrical adaptation of Dune. Now it looks like He’s heading back to the stars as the Universe’s Most Wanted.
Along with starring, he’ll also be producing the film which is set to be directed by Brad Peyton (San Andreas, Rampage) from a script by F. Scott Frazier and Jimmy Loweree. In the movie, a small town becomes the center of the universe when an intergalactic prison ship crash lands. Now it is up to the son of the local sheriff to help spacecop (Bautista) to save the day. So… Con-Air from space with a sidekick.
It could be a lot of fun.
Image via Warner Bros.