In a move that most fans have been expecting for at least the last month, San Diego Comic-Con has now officially been canceled for 2020. With initiatives just being put in place to start the slow rollout back to civilization, there is just no way that the government is going to allow a group of 100,000+ tightly packs fans into a poorly ventilated space for three days. The good news is that they are already making plans for a triumphant return in 2021. Check out the official announcement below:

For the first time in its 50-year history San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC), the organizers behind the annual pop culture celebration, announced today with deep regret, that there will be no Comic-Con in 2020. The event will instead return to the San Diego Convention Center from July 22-25, 2021.

Recognizing that countless attendees save and plan for its conventions each year, and how many exhibitors and stakeholders rely upon its events for a major portion of their livelihood, they had hoped to delay this decision in anticipation that COVID-19 concerns might lessen by summer. Continuous monitoring of health advisories and recent statements by the Governor of California have made it clear that it would not be safe to move forward with plans for this year.