The Japanese Bakery Chain, Ginza Cozy Corner has just released a new line of treats that are probably some of the most adorable in the galaxy.
Choo Choo Choose This Anotomical Cutout Ralph Wiggum Cake
It was created by Kylie Mangles of Freshly Squeez’d, and was inspired by a Threadless t-shirt illustration by graphic artist Eric Flores. It actually reminds me a lot of one of favorite artists, Jason Freeny.
Cakenweenie – The Insane Cake Tribute To Tim Burton
We’ve seen all kinds of art shows that pay tribute to a particular theme or creation, but we’ve never seen a tribute done with 100 different cakes. That is exactly what Cakenweenie is, 100 cakes in tribute to Tim Burton.
Behold! The Ultimate Geek Wedding Cake!
Check out this kick-ass wedding cake that features Doctor Who, Game Of Thrones, Hunger Games, Serenity, Labyrinth, and more!
Tim BURTON Inspired Edible Zoetrope-Cake
This cake might be edible, but I think the bakers will shoot anyone who tries to cut a slice from it. Seriously, this thing is insane. An actual animated cake of Tim Burton’s creations!
Pull Up A Chair For This Delicious Game of Thrones Feast!
from roasted pig heads to a sword throne cake, this meal has everything!
The Word Epic Isn’t Epic Enough To Describe The Alduin Dragon Skyrim Cake
If I made that cake and someone tried to slice into it, I’m not sure if I would start to cry or grab the knife and start getting stabby.