Ridiculously absurd and yet so educational. A perfect way to cap off the week if you ask me.
Ken, The Playboy Leach On Barbie’s Ass and Wallet For 48 Years
Being Barbie’s bitch has many perks. For one thing, Ken never needed to develop the infamous G.I. Joe “kung-fu” grip.
Hugh Jackman And His Wang Won’t Make “Wolverine” Director’s Cut
For those who were hoping to see a little bit more of the Sexist Man Alive in a director’s cut of “Wolverine,” prepare for disappointment!
2 Squirrels 1 Wall 2 Cute
If you’re having a terrible Tuesday morning, this adorable video with Chairlift’s Bruises” will make your day.
“B” As In Bonnie, “O” As In Optimus Prime
“It’s no surprise by now that I’m a girl but I’m not exactly your typical run-of-the-mill variety.”
AVP: Dance Dance Revolution Dance Off
Aliens and Predators have always despised one another for centuries and when they are not disemboweling one another in war, they battle each other on the dance floor.
Pac Man Eats Its Way Through the Real World
Sure, Pac Man may seem cute and personable when he’s 2D and in a video game, but in the real world he’s one destructive bastard always running away from ghosts like a little pansy.
Cat Solves Printer Problem
Isn’t this how everyone solves a printer problem, hit it and bash it until it works?