The idea of creating an image inside a a piece of sushi has become old news. There’s a baker in Tokyo who has upped the anty and is now baking his images straight into loaves of fresh bread!
Remote Controlled Robot Arms on Your Skirt… For When You Need An Extra Hand
The skirt, aptly called the Arm Skirt, seems perfect for fans of Doctor Octopus or tentacle porn enthusiasts.
Finally, Action Figures For People Who like Sticking Fingers Up Butts!
The Japanese figure company, Panda no Ana has released a new set of figure key chains that bring all the Kan-Cho action right to the palm of your hand (instead of the tip of your finger?).
Is Seaweed The Next Best Replacement For Plastic?
What if we could Stop throwing plastic in the ocean and, instead, start tossing biodegradable packaging made from seaweed into the deep blue?
Teenage Mutant Ninja… Boars Running Amok in Japan
OK. I can’t really vouch for their age or whether they have actual ninja skills, but there are radioactive wild boar causing trouble near Fukushima, Japan.
Beverage Not Scary Enough? How About These Ring vs Grudge Drink Hangers
having these new hangers on your cup are enough to make some people wet themselves… with both fear and delight.
Japan’s 7-11 Valentine’s Day Chocolate Heart Buns Transform into Poopy Butts in Microwave
Probably the classiest headline you’ll ever see us write here.
Get Drunk in Style With Gundam and Zaku sake cups
To ensure the likenesses were faithfully reproduced, the original designer of the Mobile Suit, Kunio Okawara, was called in to oversee production.