The company is Goodbyekitty and they have created an excellent set of designs that illustrate perfectly exactly what many people would like to do to the uber-cheerful little kitty.
Your Weekly Japan: The Toy Story Gauntlet
We’ve seen a lot of weird Japanese game shows online, but we’ve never seen one where the contestants had to dress up like characters from Toys Troy and jump hurdles on a treadmill to avoid falling into water.
Happy Sushi Day!
Its international sushi day today so celebrate with your favorite fishy treat.
Oh No! The Goes Tokyo, Go Go Rubberduckzilla!
Who the heck doesn’t like water? Who cares? There’s a giant duck and Japanese Co-eds feeding each other the drink… Giggity.
Your Weekly Japan: A Shocking Display of Cleavage
What would you do in this guy’s position? Play to win or go for the forbidden fruit?
The Secret To A Man’s Heart Revealed
Culinary skills are not enough in this modern world where men have made enormous progress over the past generation and are now able to cook for themselves without the need of women.
Your Weekly Japan: Cutest Wrist Cutters Evar!!!
Who knew you could be suicidal and perky at the same time?
Organic Hobby Brings Masamune Shirow Figure Series To USA
Masamune Shirow figure series #01 – Hyakkisho Shion” is based on an Erotic art book created and illustrated by the internationally renowned manga artist, Masamune Shirow.