Marvel Studios has also been shifting the release dates of their three biggest properties. Here’s a look at how Marvel Studio’s upcoming movie lineup is getting shaken up
Thor Casting Rumors: Loki
“Word is he’s really interested because he has never played a villain before and after Heath Ledger’s Oscar win for the latest comic book villain, he’s is intrigued by the character.”
Marvel Wants To Conquer The World
Marvel is tired of just being the biggest superhero house in the US. Now they want to take over the rest of the world.
Mickey Rourke Back in Iron Man 2 and Now In Rambo As Well?
“You Bet Your Ass!”
Marvel Discusses Next Movie Moves. Get The Inside Story!
Investor meetings are usually boring, but not when the topic of discussion is Iron man 2, Thor and Wolverine. See what went on in the Marvel Q4 Investor call.
Who Will Be The Black Widow in Iron Man 2?
Adding her to the cast of Robert Downy Jr, Gwenyth (I should never be allowed to name another child) Paltrow, Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle, and Sam Rockwell means that this movie is going to have one killer cast.
X-Men 4 = X-Men: First Class
Expect to see the likes of Colossus, Shadowcat, Iceman, Rogue, Siryn, Jubilee and others.
Writers named for Capt. America Movie
The story’s plot will take place in World War II and will tell the tale of how scrawny soldier Steve Rogers became the figurehead of the US Army.