Looking for something to do in Tampa, Florida this Valentine’s Day? Well, if you live near one of the Caspers Co. McDonald’s franchises in the bay area, you may have just solved your last minute romance problems.

Today, one McDonald’s has been transformed into a romantic, sit-down bistro, complete with “LED candles, tabletop flowers and counter employees retrained as waiters offering table service and refills. They are accepting phone reservations, the first 10 of which will receive complimentary roses.”

The special promotion is the brainchild of service manager Liliana Rofario with the idea.

“She came to me and asked me what I thought. She has three kids and she thought it would be a cool thing for them. Maybe for them it’s a first Valentine’s Day, and they can’t afford to go to a lot of places. There a misconception that it has to be romantic. It’s about showing someone you love them.”
… Well, crap. That was actually kind of sweet. Now I feel bad making fun of this.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Source: Tampabay.com