Marvel unveils the first full-length trailer to the hotly anticipated Astonishing X-Men: Gifted motion comic, based on the seminal comic story by superstar scribe Joss Whedon and artist John Cassaday.
Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their Kids
E-mom, Gloria Bianco, shows parents how easy it is to keep track of their children via Facebook and Twitter.
Girl Spends Lottery Winnings On Coke, Implants And Booze
Just the second-youngest British to have ever won the lotto, winning about $3.67 million, Rogers had spent all the money on booze, two boob jobs and almost $500,000 on cocaine.
‘Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles’ Returning As A DVD Movie?
Thomas Dekker who plays John Connor, recently just confirmed that the show may not entirely be dead just yet.
Remember Robin Williams’ Hook? Well Check This Out!
Pogo takes famous movies and uses the sounds to make some pretty amazing music. If you don’t know, now ya know.
Ponyo Is On A Mother F&#^&* Boat!
As awesome as this video is… there are some big time swears so we have to tag this NSFW.
Fox Reboots Fantastic Four
They pulled a reboot on the Hulk series after Ang Lee made the big green guy fight giant mutant poodles. Now, Marvel and Fox are announcing that they will be doing the same to the Fantastic Four franchise.
Rogen’s Green Hornet Flies Back To The Nest For A Little While Longer
Seth Rogen just can’t catch a break. He’s been busting his balls to get this Green Hornet movie made, but things just keep going badly for him.