“Deathly Hallows” will follow the struggles of Harry, Ron (Ruert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) in the Muggle world with their lives and the fate of the magical realm at stake.
First Images Of ‘Karate Kid’ Remake
After months of speculations, mockery and doubt, we finally get to see Will Smith’s kid (Jaden) as “Dre,” the new Daniel-son and Jackie Chan as “Mr. Han,” the new Mr. Miyagi.
US Debt Count Down Clock – Your Future Circling The Drain In Real Time
What does it mean? It means we owe a hell of a lot of people money that we are gonna be paying off at least until “Spider-Man 29” comes out.
Mike Esparza’s ‘Picasso Superheroes’ Art
Dubbed as artwork so awesome it will melt your face off Mike Esparaza’s Picasso Superheroes art is pretty self-explanatory…
SHFiguarts’s Super Articulated Dragon Ball Z Piccolo Action Figure
SHFiguart is revolutionizing the term “super articulation” with their new line of SHFiguart super articulated Dragon Ball Z action figures.
Don’t Expect ‘Superman’ To Return Until 2013
The Superman property has been placed on a development freeze due to legal issues between Warner Bros. and the Siegel estate and won’t return until at least 2013.
First Look At ‘Iron Man 2’ Movie Poster!
Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment have premiered the first official movie poster for Jon Favreau’s “Iron Man 2.”
First Peak At Don Cheadle’s War Machine Figure From ‘Iron Man 2’
Your first look at what Don Cheadle will look like suited up as War Machine in “Iron Man 2.”