“Zombies are lovers and fierce warriors, hunters of the living and just plain cool. Unicorns are sparkly, pastel, and fart rainbows. But they’re also arbiters of justice, healers, and vicious man-killers.”
Woman Sues Cinema For ‘Wasting Her Time’
A Chinese woman, is suing a cinema and a film’s distributors for wasting her time by showing 20 minutes of advertisements before it started, according to state media.
Mattel Releases The First Ever Asian Ken Doll And Disappointly He Looks Like He’s Doing Cosplay…
It’s 2010. Wanting to get with the times, Mattel has released their first ever and long awaited Asian male doll in the Barbie line.
The First Ever Klingon Opera To Debut In Netherlands
The first opera to be performed entirely in Klingon, the fictional alien language from Star Trek, debut today at the Zeebelt Theater in the Netherlands.
Bumper Stickers For Proud Gamer Parents
Geeky gamer bumper stickers to remind the world how awesomely geeky your socially inept kids are.
The Starry Night – In A Galaxy Far Far Away
This is beyond epic. The Force is strong with Vincent van Gogh.
Serious Survival Tips From Bear Grylls
There’s no denying that “Man vs. Wild’s” Bear Grylls is awesome and twice the man you and I’ll ever be.
Rumor: Could Pixar Be Making A ‘Dr. Strange’ Film?
According to the author of “Spider-Man: Fever,” a Pixar produced Dr. Strange movie is actually something getting kicked around Disney.