“I wanted very much to develop a story that could be written for kids but dealt with a genre that was scary. It essentially combines fairy tales with modern times and is about how difficult it is to be kid.”
Stephen Fry To Play Detective’s Brother In Sherlock Holmes Sequel
When shooting begins later this year, he’ll be joined by both of the first film’s stars, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law.
Spin Master Tron Legacy Light Cycle and Deluxe Figure Review
We finally had the chance to check out the new Tron toys and see if they were truly as awesome as they looked behind the glass at Comic-Con.
Bieber Fever… Justin Bieber on His Fans And Pop Stardom
‘It is not real love,’ he says. ‘You can say it is, but it’s not. They do not know who I am.’
Mark Ruffalo To Play Both Bruce Banner And Hulk in ‘Avengers’
Not only will he be playing the mild mannered Banner, but he’ll be strapping on the purple pants himself to play The Hulk.
Katy Perry Bounces Her Way On To Saturday Night Live
With Katy Perry as a guest, SNL found a subtle way to poke some fun at last week’s Sesame Street cleavage scandal. Check it out below:
Katy Perry Sticks It To Sesame Street… Simpson’s Style
When Katy appears on the Simpsons, she’ll be one of the very few people in the show’s history to ever do so in live action. Even better, she’ll be surrounded by The Simpson family… in puppet form!
Nerd Love – Solve For ‘I’
Nothing says “I love you” better than a math equation. Math nerds really know how to be romantic. See, math is good for something after all. Now aren’t you glad you paid attention in Algebra class?