IN hopes of getting to the truth of the story, I called Usonian Entertainment where I was able to reach Adam Harris directly… where he works… As a personal assistant.
Creepy Monster Captured In Louisiana Hunting Trip
While it may not be the scariest thing you’ll see all day, it certainly is creepy. Photoshopped hoax? The Louisiana bogeyman? You decide.
Canada On Alert After Hoax Unicorn Sighting!
Canadians have their poutine all up in a huff over a suspected sighting of a unicorn.
Joaquin Phoenix Not Really Crazy After All
Ebert said he’d be pissed if this was all a hoax… Bet you he’s very tempted to want to stick the thumb’s up he gave the movie right up Joaquin Phoenix’s butt right about now.
Real Life Mimics FlashForward In Frightening Swiss Flash Mob Scare
Mimicking ABC’s sci-fi drama “FlashFoward,” shoppers and office workers in Zurich were terrified when hundreds of people instantly collapsed to the floor on cue.
New York Teen Charged Over Online Suicide Hoax
A New York teenager who put ketchup on his arms and faked his suicide on a live video website has been charged with one third-degree count of falsely reporting an incident.
Parental Epic Fail: The Not So Awesome Saga Of The Balloon Not-Fallout Boy
You know that saying “Be careful what you wish for?” It would appear that the Heenes either wanted fame or attention, and guess what? They got it. I hope they’re happy.
Your Weekly Japan: Let’s Go For A Swim
Welcome back for another round of the weekly Japan. This week we’ve got a video about the Japanese Olympic Diving team. We’re pretty sure its a fake, but holy crap it looks cool.