The pre-painted collectible press ‘n fit kits are available through your local Toys ‘Я’ Us stores. There are 2 sets: Armada 1 and Armada 2; each set retails for $15.99.
Strangeco’s King Ken Blindbox Figures From James Jarvis
I really like gorillas… not in a bad way, just in a gorillas are cool kinda way.
Organic Hobby Gets Swanky!
“Jimmy” the main character and the “King of Swanky Boys” is based on the well known Japanese “Bad Boy” manga series, “Gang King.”
Win Bleeding Edge’s New Series 7 Begoth Dolls!
Win a complete set of Bleeding Edge’s Series 7 Begoth Dolls Here! These amazing dolls are the perfect gift for the goth in your life.
Fake Survivalist Really Hurt
We here at The Wookie hope that Bear Grylls has a speedy recovery and returns to TV soon so that we can mock him for faking survival scenarios and sleeping in hotels.
Harry Potter Clips Galore!!!
ABC Family was littered with some great sneak peeks at the next Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Prepare For The Return of Jason Bourne
Is Bourne on the way to being the next Bond Series? With 4 movies, it’s well on its way.
Osama Bin Laden Killed Forrest Gump
Its amazing how in th blink of an eye the entire world can change and effect things that you would have never even considered.