It looks like cameras might start rolling in the spring.
Men’s Magazine, Ralph Creates Sexiest Coral Reef Ever!
Some boob really messed this job up.
Mom Pissed That Nintendo Scrabble Has Potty Mouth
The kid is learning some vocab. Its not like he’s playing the hot coffee mod on GTA, right?
Your Weekly Muppet: The Muppet Family Christmas
Check this out if you’ve never seen it. If you are like me and remember it from years ago, kick back in your chair and have a nice big tasty bite of nostalgia.
Glass Bottle Music, A Friday Serenade
Bottles and wine glasses: They’re not just for getting drunk anymore.
Your Weekly Japan: The Nutcracker Suite
Man… These guys are either brave or just completely “nuts.”
Hancock 2: Superhero Bugaloo
Whether you loved it or hated it, you still went to see it and it made tons of money. That means you can expect to see the sequel coming to screens near you.
Is There a New Ghostbusters Movie on the Way?
Hopefully that means that she’ll once again rejoin the cast. She didn’t specify, but it is a hell of a tease to drop is she’s just going over there for a round of whack a gopher.