Read Time : 3 Minutes
Chuck E. Cheese, Applebee’s Change Name To Trick People Into Ordering Take-Out
When you have to change your name to trick people into buying your food, you might have a problem.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
New US 2020 Quarter Coincidentally Features Bat On One Side
We can see a lot of Etsy sellers buying these up and turning them into kitschy pendants you can give as gifts if we all live to the holidays this year.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
William Shatner Comes To The Aid Of A Stormtrooper After Police Harassment
You know it’s bad when the captain of the USS Enterprise has to step in and defend a Star Wars character.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Motorcycle Riding Monkey Kidnaps Toddler – The Uprising Has Begun
This is why we shouldn’t be teaching monkeys to drive!