The official announcement of the 2012 Kid Robot Dunny series has been released and Tara McPherson, Nakanari, Junko Mizuno and Andrew Bell will all be part of the new toy set!
First Image Of Idris Elba In Guillermo Del Toro’s “Pacific Rim”
This isn’t just the first look at how Idris Elba will look in the film, I do believe it is the first image at all from Guillermo Del Toro’s Upcoming Giant Robo vs Kaiju Monster battle film.
Stephen King’s Movie Adaptation Of ‘It’ Finds a Director
After 22 years, Pennywise the clown is coming back, but this time he’s making his way to the big screen for two films!
Forget the Lip Dub Marriage Proposal. Here’s The Epic Lip Dub Divorce Proposal!
Last week millions of people watched the viral video of the epic lip dub marriage proposal. Now, Second City is here to flip the coin with this epic Lip Dub Divorce video!
Emma Watson, Liev Schreiber and Julianne Moore In talks For Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’
It looks like Emma Watson is trading in her book of spells for the Old Testament.
Episode 2 of Cory Edwards’ ‘Krogzilla Gets A Job’
In the newest episode of Krogzilla Gets A Job, our down-sized monster lands a gig at a hot dog restaurant. Episode #1 went viral. Take a minute to support the show!
A.I.M. Confirmed For ‘Iron Man 3’
I wonder if they’ll get a face lift or if they’ll still end up looking like new wave bee keepers…
Super Geeky “Baby Star Wars” Art From Josh Ferrin
This is some of the coolest artwork that we’ve seen for Star Wars Kids since James Hance’s Wookiee The Chew.