“Family Circus” comic strip creator Bil Keane, whose comics ran in newspapers for more than half a century passed away Tuesday at age 89 from congestive heart failure.
Emiko’s ‘How Asians Age’ Cartoon
“My co-workers and I were talking about how oddly Asians age. We’re pretty much teenagers until we hit some kind of milestone and then the age really sneaks up on us.”
Jamie Smart’s Hilarious’ ‘9 Ways Guys Pee’ Comic
Nine ways guys pee… pretty self explanatory.
Newspapers Pull ‘Non Sequitur’ Comic Strip For Mentioning Mohammed
More than twenty newspapers have pulled an upcoming “Non Sequitur” comic strip and are afraid to publish it for having mentioned the word “Mohammad.”
First Trailer For Live-Action Comic Adaptation Of Posy Simmonds’ ‘Tamara Drewe’
If you think comic books were all about superheroes in armor or tights punching each other in the face than you’re sorely mistaken.
After 34 Years, Long-Running ‘Cathy’ Comic Strip Coming To An End
“After almost 34 years of meeting newspaper deadlines… I’m facing some personal deadlines whose requirements simply exceed my ability to procrastinate any longer.
It’s Funny Because It’s True: Mac + PC + Zombie
Even the undead has their preferences. Hey, who am I to argue fact? I just report them.
The Real Reason Why Onions Make You Cry
The real reason why chopping onions make you cry. They’re just flat out A-holes.